December 2023: Interview in Conversations with Artists
December 2023: Interview in LINEA Studio Notes, "Artist Snapshot: Rachael Wren" Exploring the mind and habits of an artist in twenty-five questions
May 2023: Interview in A Women's Thing, "Mapping Intangibles: Talking About "Site Lines" with Rachael Wren"
April 2023: Exhibition Review in Art Spiel, "Rachael Wren: Site Lines at The Shirley Project Space"
March 2022: Exhibition Review in ANTE Mag, "Rachael Wren Gives Form to the Formless in Still It Grows at Rick Wester Fine Art"
January 2022: Interview in A Women's Thing, "Abstract Landscape Artist Rachael Wren Balances the Ordered and the Random"
My work was exhibited as part of the Art in Embassies program at the US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from January 2020 - December 2021
December 2020: Created a mural for the outdoor dining structure of Restaurant Marc Forgione as part of the Curbside Canvas Project
December 2020: Virtual Studio Visit with Art in Res, "Visit the Studio with Rachael Wren"
April 2019: Interview in Art Spiel, "Rachael Wren - Shimmers and Hums"
August 2018: Profile in SciArt Magazine - "Natural Geometries" with Rachael Wren
The Edge of Place
April 5 - December 4, 2016
Wave Hill, Bronx, NY
January 2016: A selection of work on Geoform
Surface Tension
October 15 - November 14, 2015
Garis & Hahn, New York, NY
November 2015: Artist Talk at Open Source Gallery
Breathing Room
May 15 - June 19, 2015
Trestle Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Objects and Ideas, curate by Robert Calafiore
February 12 - March 14, 2015
Five Points Gallery, Torrington, CT
February 2015: Featured Artist on Wondereur
December 2014: Participant in the Ligo Project's Art of Science program
October 2014: Featured artist on Painting is Dead
Read interview >
April 2014: Featured artist in Fresh Paint Magazine'
January 2 - April 10, 2016
Mandeville Gallery, Union College, Schenectady, NY
catalog available through Mandeville Gallery
Square Roots
April 23 - May 18, 2013
The Painting Center, New York, NY
Boundary Hunters
October 26 - December 1, 2012
Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Alfred University, Alfred, NY
Thought Patterns: Julie Shapiro & Rachael Wren
January 4-29, 2011
The Painting Center, New York, NY